Stay Safe This Christmas

December is a month of celebrations for many of us as we head out to meet family, friends and work colleagues to enjoy the festivities. Before you head out, it is worth reminding yourself on the rules about drink driving.

Download our Drink Driving Guide

This handy guide has been put together by Driving for Better Business, who working with the National Highways Commercial Vehicle Incident Prevention Team, has produced a free information toolkit for you to share with your van drivers raising their awareness of key issues around compliance, safe driving, vehicle roadworthiness and fitness to drive.

Driving for Better Business - Van Driver Toolkit

These resources will help you communicate vital safety information, strengthening your safe driving culture, and dispelling uncertainty and myth.

Safedrive is a delivery partner of Driving for Better Business. Safedrive is a forward thinking Risk Management and Driver Training company offering a variety of Training, Assessment and Risk Management services for commercial clients and their drivers.

For more information, please click here to contact one of our qualified staff. Alternatively, you can call us on 0344 892 1728.

November 27, 2023