Brake : Road Safety Week 2017



20th  – 24th November marks the BRAKE Charity’s Road Safety Week campaign. This annual campaign involves a number of events at schools and businesses across the country.

Each year, BRAKE picks out a theme for the campaign. This year, that’s Speed Down Save Lives – and they’re challenging drivers, passengers and other road users to slow down.

We can all play our part in raising awareness about the dangers of driving too fast and this year’s campaign will focus on:

– speed causes deaths and serious injuries on our roads

– rural roads are not race tracks

– 20mph is the only safe speed in heavily built-up areas used by pedestrians and cyclists

– going slow = stopping in time

– speed is scary and noisy. It stops communities being enjoyable places for children and families to walk, talk and play

– speed cameras work. They save lives.

– Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) is an important development that is likely to be fitted to all vehicles in the future


BRAKE Charity website

Road Safety Week 2017

November 16, 2017

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