Drive Carefully this Winter

To stay safe in poor weather, ensure vehicle readiness, check the weather forecast, and navigate road conditions carefully. Fines can be imposed for failure to adhere to the Highway Code. Safedrive offers a winter driving course to further enhance driving skills.

Read More Drive Carefully this Winter
November 24, 2023

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Winter Driving Advice

With the weather expected to take a turn for the worse towards the end of the year, we have put together a winter driving guide to help you and your employees stay safe on the roads. Driving in poor weather conditions can be difficult and requires a high level of concentration, experience and skill. It […]

Read More Winter Driving Advice
March 8, 2022

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Extreme Weather Driving

As an extension to our popular advanced/defensive driving courses, Safedrive offers a bespoke winter driving course, which is available all year round, but is particularly popular from the months of September to February. Our winter driving course is designed to help company become safer, more skilful drivers in adverse weather conditions, which are found in […]

Read More Extreme Weather Driving
February 11, 2020

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